
Puppy Dog Ears

Yup, it turned out a little lopsided (oops) but hey, I don't claim to be perfect! :)

I thought this do turned out really cute... Yes, she loves her flaming orange hunting jacket!?????

Here's a step by step...

First section off this top section...
With this section, you will then make a triangle in front...

And another in the back...Split the front section and the back section into two pieces.
Bring one piece from both ponies to each side and secure with an elastic.
Repeat on the other side. Add ribbons or bows and off she goes!

There's a story for the following pics...

Story is..

~K~ hasn't got enough of a bum to hold up her britches. I bought her a pair of old man suspenders and we put them under her shirt so no one would see them. I thought she looked adorable and wanted to post pictures on our family blog for her grandma to check out....needless to say ~K~ was really embarrassed and didn't want any part of it. I tried to reassure her and tell her how cute she looked, but she was too self conscious to hear any of it.
This is what happened...

Same day... several hours STILL cute! :)

(No Mom!)


(What don't YOU understand about NO mom?)

Enough, enough I know...
Please don't call CPS on me now!


CLaabs said...

Okay, that is DARLING. And easy. Love it!

Kimberly said...

My dd is going to love it. visit my blog straight out curly.

Beads, Braids & Beyond said...

Hello, I wanted to let you know that I tried this style on my daughter (love it) and put it on my blog along w/ a link to your tutorial. Hope you don't mind!